A. Assessment with Technology
You should have an understanding of technology tools that aid teachers and schools in assessing student learning and using assessment data to improve instruction and student learning.
During Multimedia Design, as a group, we created a lesson and quizzes using VBA. This project was focused on the 6+1 writing traits. We looked a different ways to assess students knowledge and used a variety of technology. We used songs to help the children remember each trait and then used quizzes with buttons to allow for immediate feedback when taking the quiz. The use of quizzes that have immediate feedback allows the teacher to have a quick way of knowing mastery of a skill/objective. After a student takes a VBA quiz the teacher can quickly tell if a student understood a concept and can re-teach to a student or small group. At the same time the teacher can create an extension unit or move on to another concept.
I have also used Google Forms to create a quiz for students. During the year, the 5th graders were learning about stress and ways to handle stress effectively. After they watched a video on stress they took a quiz I made in Google Forms. After they took the quiz it was easy to see what answers we needed to go over and it also was easy to create a score for each student.
Another way teachers can use data to provide them with immediate feedback is using HCPSS' database Inroads/Sandbox. Through Inroads the teachers can look up students benchmark reading level and baseline math scores, quarterly reading assessment scores, MSA scores and unit test score average in math. As long as they were in a Howard County School the data will follow them. When a teacher uses the data on Inroads they can quickly determine groupings based on reading/math levels and gain knowledge about a student. Previously to this method, a teacher would have to search through a students cumulative folder for simple answers. This process could take hours. This type of information is helpful to a teacher, such as Related Arts, that might only see a student one time a week. Their in-depth knowledge of students may be limited and this website provides accurate information about students learning abilities.
Anytime I need to send out a survey or needs assessment I use Google Forms. It is easy to populate the answers and look at the results. This past year, I asked the staff what type of after school training they would like to have. After I sent out the survey, it was clear, the staff wanted help with writing report card comments and conferences. I had an expert from the Professional Development Office come out and share ideas to the staff. The Google Form was a quick way to determine the needs of the staff.
B. Assessment of Technology
When technology is used by students in the classroom, methods of assessment of student learning might be different. You should be able to demonstrate an understanding of a variety of methods of assessment that are appropriate for assessing student use of technology and student learning from products created with technology. TF-IV. C
A project that I use with my 5th grade students during 4th quarter is a Glog poster. This online poster is created just like a paper and pencil book report poster. You take all the elements of a traditional poster and put them on a digital poster. Students can add elements such as pictures, text, movies, audio recordings. As they work I left up the rubric on my screen so they would remember what was required before moving on to the next step. This visual allowed students to look at the screen instead of asking me if they were missing any pieces of their Glog. I also had a final checklist of required elements that they had to have in order to publish their Glog. As the students were working I walked around and checked off on my list the same requirements. I reminded a few of them if they were missing major elements, such as the Title or Author. I collaborated with my Media Specialist on this project and together we came up with a list of elements for the Glog. This was used as a media grade and replaced their traditional paper book report.